Thoracic Opening Thrust (General)

Thoracic Manual Therapy Technique

Body Region: Thoracic Spine

Technique Name: Thoracic Opening Thrust Manipulation (General)

Indications: mechanical neck pain (MNP), cervical radiculopathy (CR), thoracic pain, shoulder pain


Patient Position:

  • Supine hook lying, with arms folded across their chest and their head resting on a pillow

Clinician Position:

  • Standing at the side of the patient

Technique Description:

  • Briefly roll the patient toward you and place your hand at the level of the segment to be treated.
  • Your hand should form a fist with the thumb maintained in adduction and the thumb DIP in extension.
  • Place the gutter formed by your fingers (excluding the thumb) and thenar eminence over the spinous process of the level to be treated
  • Return the patient to supine ensuring their weight is fully distributed through the fulcrum you have established with your hand
  • Place your free hand on the patients elbows and tuck their elbows under your axilla
  • Perform a high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust in an anterior to posterior direction

Key Points:

  • You may have the patient perform a deep inhalation and time your thrust with their exhalation to aid in relaxation
  • When you return the patient to supine after establishing your hand position, you may have to "prop" the patient onto your fulcrum by rotating their trunk

Related Techniques

  • 1st Rib Thrust Manipulation Sample
  • CervicoThoracic Sidebend-Rotation Thrust
  • Cervico-Thoracic Junction Thrust Sitting
  • Cervico-Thoracic Junction Thrust Supine
  • Mid Thoracic Thrust Sitting
  • Supine Rib Thrust Manipulation
  • Thoracic Extension Thrust Manipulation
  • Thoracic Opening Thrust (Localized)
  • P-A Vertebral Mobilization
  • Rotational P-A
  • Transverse Glides